Where and When it Makes Sense to Emboss Metal Nameplates

When it comes to designing product identification that allows your brand to stand out, there are so many options that it can be easy to find yourself overwhelmed. Let's take a look at some reasons that embossed metal nameplates could be the exact solution you are searching for.

What are Embossed Nameplates?

embossed aluminum badgeEmbossed aluminum is a classic option which adds perceived value to a nameplate or badge. Products in every industry from consumer electronics and sporting goods to transportation and point of purchase have been found to use embossed features for product identification.

Embossed nameplates are created with a custom tool, which pushes the surface up to match the dimension and artwork image provided. The height of the embossed area depends on the thickness of the metal and the type of tool that is used. The raised area can be spot decorated or left bright aluminum so that there is contrast with background colors. 

Reasons to Emboss Metal Nameplates

Physical Dimension - The nature of an emboss tool is literally adding a layer of dimension to push the surface of the metal up. This results in raised graphics, text, borders, etc. 

Durability and Longevity The embossed area is a permanent marking that will stay in place for the life of the product. It is a design element that cannot be erased or scratched away. UV curable inks and UV clear coat provides protection against exposure to the elements and harsh environments. 

Draw Attention to the Brand - Embossed graphics automatically grab attention. It is hard to overlook the impact of an embossed logo for your brand message. The raised area can be spot decorated or left bright aluminum so that there is contrast with background colors. 

How Can We Help?

No matter if you are well seasoned in product design or need some guidance to define the specs for your nameplate, we can help! Our skilled Customer Service and Art Department will work with you to understand how best to incorporate embossed aluminum into your brand strategy. 

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Tags: Embossing, Nameplates