Pressure sensitive adhesive is one of the most common attachment solutions for product identification. Here are some practical tips for storage and applying nameplates or labels with this type of adhesive.
Apply nameplates with adhesive in an indoor setting. Attempting to apply them in cold outdoor conditions may result in a poor bond with the surface.
Before applying, be sure the nameplates are at room temperature so that the adhesive is not too firm and is ready to stick. The mating surface should be at least 50°F.
Be careful not to touch the adhesive with your fingers when applying the nameplate to the surface. Do not allow the adhesive to become contaminated with dust or dirt.
Remove the release liner and apply to a clean, dry surface. Use firm pressure. Allow 72 hours after application of the nameplate for maximum bonding.
Paying heed to these tips will ensure maximum sticking power of the adhesive, ensuring the nameplate stays in its proper place. Note that they represent typical conditions and values may vary depending on the specific application and needs of each project. They do not in any way represent a guarantee.
There may be application or storage guidelines that will differ from these basic tips for certain conditions. It is important to review your needs with our Customer Care team to be sure that we understand the project and can recommend the best solution.
Don't get frustrated with how you will store and apply your product identification. We have a team of people ready to discuss your needs and help identify the best adhesive along with review the necessary care.
Secure Attachment Options for Nameplates with Adhesives
Why it Makes Sense to Use Adhesive For Nameplate Attachment
Adhesive Considerations for Outdoor Exposure
Getting Nameplates to Stick to Powder Coated Surfaces
Effective Adhesive Options for Nameplates and Labels
Originally published October 18, 2018 and updated February 11, 2021 for clarity and resources.