5 Ways Embossed Aluminum Makes an Impact for Nameplates

There are several options to increase the perceived value of your product identification. Embossed aluminum is a classic option which adds perceived value to a nameplate or badge. Products in every industry from consumer electronics and sporting goods to transportation and point of purchase have been found to use embossed features for product identification. Here are five ways to use embossing to make an impact with your metal nameplates.


embossed aluminum badgeLogos or Text - Draw attention to your brand with embossed graphics. The permanent text will stay in place and be visible even after many years of exposure to the elements.

Borders - Create visual interest with embossed borders.

Backgrounds - Embossing a pad or background of a nameplate gives the appearance of debossed or recessed graphics.

embossed pad on metal nameplateMulti-Level Emboss - Create more dimension and intricate detail by raising aluminum into multiple flat planes. Some limitations apply, and this is not ideal for all applications.

Patterns - Embossed aluminum can be used as a decorative element for nameplates. Background areas offer opportunity to add an interesting pattern with dimension.

embossed background pattern on metal

Now that you've seen some of the options to make an impact with embossed aluminum for your nameplate, let your imagination run. We're here to help bring that vision to reality.

How Can We Help?

Decades of working with brand owners to stand out and make an impact has given us experience in building effective tools for nameplates. Quick turn around for custom embossing dies that are built to your specs means quick production for your nameplate. Let's review your goals and come up with a solution to make your brand stand out.

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Tags: Embossing, Nameplates